pro-parent square

Hello friends!  Kale Before Cupcakes has been on a 6 month hiatus since I had my son on September 2, 2014.  Frankly, it might still be on hiatus, if not for an issue that keeps nagging at my heart, and that I simply must write about.

Unless you’ve been living in a cave the last few weeks, you know all the fuss going on about vaccines. I’m not here to debate any of that. There are literally hundreds of posts already going on and on and on about both sides of the issue.

No, I have a different stance I want to talk about.  It’s one that’s good for all of us, for now and for the future.  It follows the thought of a famous quote from Harry Truman : “I don’t believe in anti-anything. A man has to have a program; you have to be FOR something, otherwise you will never get anywhere.”  It aligns with the law of attraction – if you put out negativity, then negativity is what you will receive.  If you put out positivity, then positivity is what you receive. (Sound hokey? Don’t believe me? Walk around for a day with a scowl on your face. The next day, smile at everyone you see. Tell me the difference in the two days!)

So – I don’t want to be anti-anything. Rather, I want to be pro-something. And that pro-something? I choose to be PRO-PARENT.  What does that mean? It means that I choose to support parents making their OWN decisions for their children and their families. It means that I respect your right to feed, clothe, and educate your child as you see fit.  You and I may completely disagree on what is “right” – but as long as the child is not being neglected or abused, then I will fight for your right to parent as your heart directs you to.

Being PRO-PARENT means that I believe parents and families should always have final say on how their children are raised. Being PRO-PARENT means that no matter what our personal beliefs are on specific topics, our overall agreement is that WE maintain the power over our families – NOT the state or federal government.

Right now, the debate is over vaccine exemptions. I know many of you truly believe that vaccine mandates are the way to go. But I beg you –please think this through. This is a crazy slippery slope – if we start allowing the government to force vaccines, it sets a terrible precedent.  And they will act on that precedent, guaranteed.  Maybe you are pro-vaccine. Great! Is there anything else that you would never, ever intend for your children? Maybe you are passionate about homeschooling. Think this process through then.  Wouldn’t you be upset if the government suddenly outlawed homeschooling and removed your rights as a parent to teach them yourself? Don’t YOU want to retain your rights to care for your child as you see fit?

As for vaccines – I have always said, and will always say – as long as you have done your research & looked at factual data (data NOT provided by someone with financial interest in vaccines), as long as you have actually read the vaccine inserts (something many doctors haven’t even done) – as long as you have used your own analytical skills to evaluate and determine the best course of action for YOUR family – and not just blindly followed either the pro-vax OR the anti-vax crowds – then I will always respect your decision. YOU, and you alone know your kids. YOU, and you ALONE can weigh the risks for the many options avail (all/some/delayed/none).  I will also always fight for YOU to be the one to make that decision.

So. I am PRO-PARENT. Will you join me in being PRO-PARENT too? Let’s not let these issues divide us. Let us stand united as parents, knowing we are the best possible people to make these vitally important choices for our families.


*note – a huge thank you to my friend Vanessa Cory for coining the term “pro-parent”!!






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